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Christmas Club

Funds can be earmarked for any purpose. Of course, our Christmas Club puts you in a position to save for your holiday spending rather than relying on credit cards with high interest rates to cover holiday purchases but they can also be used for any other end-of-year purchases. New accounts start each year on October 21st and funds can be added at any point before they are paid out on October 20th.

Yes, the maximum deposit is $5,000 per customer and all funds are paid out on October 20th via ACH payment. However, any savings not used in a given year can be used to reopen another Christmas Club account, helping to carry over additional budget to the following year's holiday season. Check out our Christmas Club page for current rates and account details. Ready to start saving for the holidays? Apply now to open an account today.

Christmas Club interest is compounded daily and credited to the Christmas Club quarterly, giving you the flexibility to save the amount you need, up to $5,000. If the Christmas Club is closed before interest is credited, the interest will be forfeited. Christmas Club interest is compounded daily. The daily balance method is used to calculate the account interest. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal ledger balance in the account each day. Check out our Christmas Club page for current rates and account details. Ready to start saving for the holidays? Apply now to open an account today.

The Christmas Club account is a great way to save money during the year for holiday or other expenses. You can open your account today with a $10 deposit. A maximum of $5,000 may be deposited into this account and there are no annual fees for active accounts. Payouts are disbursed October 20th of each year via ACH to the account of your choice. Automatic drafts from your Carter Bank checking accounts can also be established. Check out our Christmas Club page for current rates and other account details. 

Click here to open an account today.

Payouts are disbursed on October 20th of each year via ACH to the account of your choice. The new account deposit date starts on October 21st.

¹ APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

2 U.S. checking or savings accounts required to use Zelle®. Transactions between enrolled users typically occur in minutes.

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