Security Hints & Tips: Watch Out for Tailgating

Posted on: February 1, 2023

Tailgating occurs when you let someone you don’t know enter a door that you just opened. Many organizations rely on biometrics, key cards, or even regular keys to open locked doors. These doors could allow people to access your organization’s buildings, parking garage, or offices.

You may be tempted to be nice and open doors for people you don’t know. While opening doors may be a nice gesture in public places, opening doors at your organization’s buildings or offices is risky. Cybercriminals can use tailgating to gain access to your organization’s secured buildings and steal information.

If someone you don’t know tries to enter a door behind you, there are a couple of tips you can follow to be kind while staying safe from tailgating:

  • Ask the person where they are going and who they want to see in the building. Then, escort the person to the appropriate office and verify that they are supposed to be there.
  • Kindly decline to let the person follow behind you and explain that your organization doesn’t allow tailgating.

Once cybercriminals have access to your organization’s buildings and offices, they can plug into any outlets, sit down at unlocked workstations, or place infected USB drives in hallways and bathrooms. Remember, if someone you don’t know wants to follow you into a building, kindly decline or insist on escorting them where they need to go.

This information is provided by KnowBe4.

Posted in: Fraud Awareness